Selected Talks by Håkan Younes
April 2, 2008: Specification and Verification Center Seminar
[ ppt | pdf ] “Statistical probabilistic model checking”
September 24, 2007: ICAPS 2007 Outstanding Dissertation Presentation
[ ppt | pdf ] “Verification and planning for stochastic processes with asynchronous events”
January 9, 2006: 7th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation
[ ppt | pdf ] “Error control for probabilistic model checking”
July 11, 2005: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
[ ppt | pdf ] “Planning and execution with phase transitions”
July 9, 2005: 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
[ ppt | pdf ] “Ymer: a statistical model checker”
July 8, 2005: 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
[ ppt | pdf ] “Probabilistic verification for ‘black-box’ systems”
December 10, 2004: PhD Thesis Defense
[ ppt | pdf ] “Verification and planning for stochastic processes with asynchronous events”
July 28, 2004: Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
[ ppt | pdf ] “Solving generalized semi-Markov decision processes using continuous phase-type distributions”
July 26, 2004: AAAI-04 Workshop on Learning and Planning in Markov Processes—Advances and Challenges
[ ppt | pdf ] “A formalism for stochastic decision processes with asynchronous events”
July 25, 2004: Ninth AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium
[ ppt | pdf ] “Planning and verification for stochastic processes with asynchronous events”
June 6, 2004: Fourteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
[ ppt | pdf ] “Policy generation for continuous-time stochastic domains with concurrency”
April 27, 2004: High-Confidence Embedded Systems: Annual Research Review and Workshop
[ ppt | pdf ] “Statistical probabilistic model checking”
April 12, 2004: Machine Learning Lunchtime Chats at CMU
[ ppt | pdf ] “Decision-theoretic planning with asynchronous events”
March 29, 2004: 10th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
[ ppt | pdf ] “Numerical vs. statistical probabilistic model checking: an empirical study”
June 12, 2003: Thirteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
[ ppt | pdf ] “A framework for planning in continuous-time stochastic domains”
June 10, 2003: ICAPS-03 Workshop on PDDL
[ ppt | pdf ] “Extending PDDL to model stochastic decision processes”
June 9, 2003: ICAPS-03 Workshop on the Competition: Impact, Organization, Evaluation, Benchmarks
[ ppt | pdf ] “IPC 2004 probabilistic planning track: FAQ 0.1”
May 15, 2003: Dagstuhl Seminar on Probabilistic Methods in Verification and Planning
[ ppt | pdf ] “Acceptance sampling and its use in probabilistic verification”
March 28, 2003: Durham University Computer Science Departmental Research Seminar
[ ppt | pdf ] “Probabilistic verification of discrete event systems using acceptance sampling”
March 19, 2003: Durham Planning Group Seminar
[ ppt | pdf ] “Heuristic POCL planning”
February 19, 2003: Thesis Proposal
[ ppt | pdf ] “Planning with concurrency in continuous-time stochastic domains”
July 28, 2002: 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
[ ppt | pdf ] “Probabilistic verification of discrete event systems using acceptance sampling”
April 27, 2002: Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling Systems
[ ppt | pdf ] “On the role of ground actions in refinement planning”
April 23, 2002: AIPS-02 Workshop on Planning via Model Checking
[ ppt | pdf ] “Probabilistic plan verification through acceptance sampling”
March 15, 2002: SCS Student Seminar Series
[ ppt | pdf ] “Probabilistic verification of discrete event systems”
May 23, 2000: Thirteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference
[ pdf ] “A deterministic algorithm for solving imprecise decision problems”
November 18, 1998: Master's Thesis Defense
[ pdf ] “Current tools for assisting intelligent agents in real-time decision making”